Thursday, February 18, 2010

SR-22 Insurance California - All you need to know

California Insurance Proof Certificate

SR22 insurance refers to a policy which requires the filing of an SR22 form.

If you have to show a proof of financial responsibility, your insurance company is obliged by law to submit such a form to the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Note that a copy of your insurance or your insurance card can not substitute an SR22 form and will not be accepted by the DMV as a sufficient evidence.

In California the minimum insurance requirements are:

  • $15,000 for injury/death to one person
  • $30,000 for injury/death to more than one person
  • $5,000 for damage to property

Who is SR22 insurance for?

There are two main reasons why you may be required to file a SR22 form. The first, and most common, is conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) of either alcohol or drugs. The second is for being involved in an accident while driving without insurance.

Regardless of the reason, be prepared to have your driving license suspended. As you probably know, California has one of the toughest car insurance laws. Apart from taking part in a DUI program, a DUI conviction may mean a jail sentence too. One year without a license is the punishment for driving uninsured.

Maintain a proof of financial responsibility

The period, during which maintaining a proof of financial responsibility is required, is three years. In order to reinstate your drivers license, you will be required to pay additional fees. During these 3 years, you will be considered as a "high risk" driver.

If your filling period expires or your auto insurance in cancelled, the DMV will be notified by your insurance company. If you let your insurance lapse during these 3 years and SR26 form is submitted, your license will be suspended by the DMV.

SR is state specific, so bare in mind that your SR22 insurance will only be valid in CA. If you move to another state, you will have to obtain another policy.

The sad reality is that due to SR22, your insurance premiums will go up. That's why it is very important to shop around and find the best deal. Compare California SR22 insurance quotes online and you can save yourself up to 35%!

For more information about SR22, please visit:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

SR22 Insurance Form Florida

SR22 insurance, as its frequently known as, is not genuinely a type of Florida automobile insurance. Explained briefly, SR22 is the name of the form which is used by car insurance companies to certify someone is compliment with the minimum limits of liability required.

SR22 form is submitted by your auto insurance company to the Florida's Bureau of Financial Responsibility, if of course you are required to file such confirmation of liability insurance. DUI, too many points on your license for traffic violations, driving without insurance are valid reason for you to be required to submit SR22 Form.

The insurance law in Florida (No Fault) indicates that the minimum requirements for a car insurance policy are $10,000 of Property Damage Liability and $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection. Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) is added in addition to the minimum Florida No Fault requirements if you need SR22 Insurance. In Florida, SR22 will require minimum BIL limits of $10,000 per person and $20,000 per accident. The SR22 requirement can also be fulfilled with a single limit of liability - $30,000.

Regardless of the fact that you are required to file a SR22 form, the premium for BIL will not be increase by your insurance company. A $15 filing fee is the only additional cost for you.

Still, if SR22 form filing is required your insurance will become more expensive. Its not because of the SR22 filing, but rather because of the reasons you were required to have SR22 insurance - DUI, suspension for too many points, driving uninsured.

If you do not comply if mandated by the Bureau of Financial Responsibility, vehicle license plate and or your driver's license will be suspended. If this happens, in addition to the filling fee, reinstatement fees will apply.

Learn what SR26 form is and when your insurance company may file it.